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    The RB Cluster is a Food and Beverage project located in Ramlet El-Bayda, Beirut. It is comprised of restaurants and bars as well as a couple of floors of offices. The architectural language is inspired by the mostly industrial Lebanese coast. Two of the main features are the CO2 towers (Hosting Mechanical equipment) counterbalanced by the O2 Towers (Hosting trees and plants and wind turbines).

    In association with
    WZ architects


    Bernard Mallat, Walid Zeidan, Tamer-Georges Musharbesh, Jad Raad, Razan Zaatari, Fadel Makhzoum, Mustafa Nachar, Rackelle Tebechrany

    Francis Landscapes

    Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | SUNSET BEIRUT - CLUSTER | Project Photo
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