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    Cluster G is a Food and Beverage cluster located in Giza, Egypt. It is comprised of restaurants, bars, a nightclub, and a private club. Inspired by sand dunes the building rises from the ground to create space and materializes as petrified multicolored sand.

    In association with
    WZ architects


    Bernard Mallat, Walid Zeidan, Tamer-Georges Musharbesh, Hiba Hteit, Fadel Makhzoum

    Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo Architecture | ENTERTAINMENT HUB CLUSTER | Project Photo
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